Google Image Search Will Now Fact Check Manipulated Photos

In big tech’s continuing battle against the scourge of so-called “fake news” and manipulated imagery used to trick people online, Google has just added a major update to Google Image search: fact checking.

Announced earlier today on the Google Keyword Blog, the update puts fact checking info front and center in Google Image Search, whenever the image or video that you’re looking at might be manipulated or misleading. Here’s how it works:

Now, when you search on Google Images, you may see a “Fact Check” label under the thumbnail image results. When you tap one of these results to view the image in a larger format, you’ll see a summary of the fact check that appears on the underlying web page. These labels may appear both for fact check articles about specific images and for fact check articles that include an image in the story.

In real life, it looks like this:

All of these fact checks will be provided by “independent, authoritative sources on the web” that meet Google’s published criteria. And just in case publishers are worried, any images or links that are assigned a “fact check” label won’t be punished in Google’s ranking.

To learn more about this new feature, check out the full announcement or head over to Google Images and search a well-known fake photograph for yourself, like the famous fake photo of “Hurricane Sandy” coming in over the Statue of Liberty. Once this feature rolls out across all of Google, you should start seeing it, and photos like it, marked with the “Fact Check” label.

(via Engadget)

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