Adobe Made a Quiz That Reveals What Creative Type You Are

Adobe just launched a fun little online quiz that helps creatives figure out their creative type. The “simple and relatable yet robust and science-informed creative personality assessment” is inspired by popular personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram.

The Creative Types quiz is based on psychology research, Adobe says, and the goal is to assess your basic habits and tendencies — things like how you think, act, and see the world. It’s an assessment that can “help you better understand who you are as a creative.”

To take the test, you’ll need to answer 15 simple (and often abstract) questions about yourself — there are “cutscenes” between the questions that you can skip by pressing the link in the bottom right-hand corner.

Based on your responses, the quiz will assign you to one of 8 creative types: the Artist, Thinker, Adventurer, Maker, Producer, Dreamer, Innovator, or Visionary.

Head on over to the Creative Types website if you’d like to assess your own creative personality.

from PetaPixel


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